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Ziggurat Model Book + UCC Variety Pack Bundle

RRP - $155.36   Our Price - $149.95  Softcover
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Ruth Aspy, Barry G Grossman

  • Ziggurat Model Book + UCC Variety Pack Bundle


This bundle includes the highly regarded Ziggurat Model book plus two copies of every Underlying Characteristics Checklist (UCC) version.

The Ziggurat Model was created to simplify the complex process of designing comprehensive strategies & supports for all individuals on the autism spectrum. A five tiered research-centred system capitalises on strengths to address underlying needs. It is assessment driven & provides a framework that guides parents, professionals, and autistics themselves in creating effective supports & strategies.

Item MediaPrice
img_9869Ziggurat Model Book + UCC Variety Pack Bundle
img_1007185The Ziggurat Model, Release 2.1
A Framework for Designing Comprehensive Strategies and Supports for Autistic Individuals
img_2009868Underlying Characteristics Checklists Variety Pack